13 Dec 2021

Firstly, I would like to pay my respects to the Dharug people, the traditional owners of this land and to also pay my respects to elders, past, present, emerging and any Aboriginal people here today. On behalf of Plumpton High School, I welcome our, staff, students, parents watching the production, special guests and our very special guests – the Year 12 graduating class of 2021 to Plumpton High School’s Graduation Ceremony.
At this stage I would also like to recognise the significant accomplishment of our Year 12 Aboriginal students of which 15 graduate in 2021, with some notable accomplishments; Taylor Brookes – School Captain, Australian representative in soccer Georgah Foote – high level academic accomplishment early entry to university to study Law, Caleb Kennedy high level academic accomplishment studying Extension 2 English and Paris Mitchell high level academic accomplishment studying Extension 2 English.
It takes a village to raise a child and as such, thank you to the incredible team of teaching, non-teaching staff, parents and our 40 plus business partners such as Citi Group, Lend Lease, ABCN and their member companies who have supported our Year 12 students’ success and made their graduation possible. I would like to make special mention of Amanda Cook and Claire Leihn Deputy Principals, Mr Canning and Ms Karan your Positive Psychology teachers, Karlene our AEO and Lance our PICLO who have supported Year 12 in addition to all of the fabulous teachers who have made your journey rich and rewarding.
We are here today to recognise and celebrate 13 years of learning by our year 12 and I want to leave you with some thoughts as you go off to the world beyond school into a new, increasingly complex journey to continue your pursuit of dreams and goals.
Simon Sinek stated: “When we help ourselves, we find moments of happiness. When we help others, we find lasting fulfilment.” This is one of the opportunities that has arisen from our adversity with the entire globe actively seeking a vaccine for COVID-19 in 2020 in a collaborative way never seen previously and in 2021 global citizens supporting each other to ensure everybody’s health and wellbeing.
So…you made it!
! And I know it doesn't matter, and it's not as important as everything else, but you look amazing!
To date, you have received 79 early entry offers to university, prior to the main rounds being completed, an amazing effort –
to each of you. You initiated developed and implemented our motivational videos on Facebook continuing our recognition as an exemplar by the NSW Department of Education, as leading student Voice in NSW for online communication by schools.
Having excellent Student Executive Council Senior Leaders where 30 of you are Prefects, led by your Captains Jacquelyn, Taylor, Tomika and Alyssa having stood tall to maintain your standards as role models irrespective of circumstance, supported by our SEC Coordinators Mr Temby and Ms Donahue, Alumni and 40 plus business partner mentors.
Another highlight with our Student Executive Council Leadership, Agency and Voice Framework being recognised on the world stage as 1 of 100 schools selected to present at the T4 World Education Week in October. This has enabled a greater level of support to be provided through your 7 Project Teams using the Gazelle Project management structure. It included the continued development of junior leadership.
You have Led numerous events contributing to causes that support the human to flourish as informed, responsible global citizens and the leaders of tomorrow that contribute to greater causes than yourself, such as Relay for Life, Relay for Life’s Walk for Water, R U OK Day, Harmony Day, Sorry Day, Valentine’s Day, EID Celebrations, Diwali celebrations, Iftar – Ramadan and much more.
As a cohort you have proudly represented the school as outstanding role models in academic pursuits, creative and performing arts, citizenship, sport at a Zone, Regional, State, National and International Level. Many of you have attained your Duke of Edinburgh International Award Scheme Bronze and Silver Awards.
You leave Plumpton High School with the following essential capabilities that will place you in good stead to succeed in this complex uncertain 21st Century world:
• You are the leaders of tomorrow as you understand the importance of taking action by contributing to the local and global community in a meaningful way and bringing others with you on the journey
• You have the intellectual capacity to solve complex problems both individually and collaboratively harnessing technology, deep critical and creative thinking, and intercultural understanding to plan activities and communicate ideas
• You have emotional intelligence that enables you to build positive personal and professional relationships with empathy and advocacy for those less fortunate
• You have strong self-concept that gives you the ability to be courageous in all your endeavors knowing you can become the best you can be, and support others to be, as you have a ‘can do’ mindset with the confidence to take educated risks.
• You are resilient, able to get back up after failure as you know and understand that failure is a necessary part of success.
• You have the ability to reflect by learning from the past to improve in the future.
• And importantly you have the ability to make sense of your own world.
It is the hope that Plumpton High School has prepared you well for this future and in addition to these essential skills you have developed discipline, commitment, determination, rigor, and importantly a love of learning and an ability to ask questions, querying the status quo to constantly seek a better solution.
Tap into your leadership potential because the world desperately needs you to contribute to re-making our world. And to do it all with more balance, more joy, more sleep, and more gratitude.
I’d like to leave you with this quote from Lao Tzu who said it best, "A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step."
Adversity is inevitable, but difficulties or misfortunes don't have to keep you from achieving your intended goals and finding the happiness you seek in business and in life. It's how you overcome these adversities that can make all the difference. Every challenge we successfully conquer serves to strengthen not only our will, but our confidence, and therefore our ability to confront future obstacles.
Make the most of the opportunities you create for yourself wherever they take you, as I am sure you will be as successful as you have been throughout your school journey.
Thank you.
Thank you to the amazing team of people who made this outstanding celebration possible - Mr Simonovski, the Celebrating Success team, Ms Langham, Ms Leihn, Ms Mangion, Mr Moon, Naomi, Robina and the Entertainment class in Year 11 for organising and making this special occasion possible.
Tim Lloyd, Principal
NB: The school has professionally filmed the Year 12 2021 Graduation Ceremony. This will be made available to all students through their personal email address provided to the school upon completion of the editing process. Individual photos of each student receiving their Awards will also be made available.