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Plumpton High School

Plumpton High School

Achieving Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Telephone02 9625 7020

University of NSW Year 11 Leaders Gateway Program

University of NSW Year 11 Leaders Gateway Program

Our 12 fabulous House Captains were invited to participate in an inaugural Year 11 Gateway Leaders Program at the UNSW. The University ran 10 separate days and reaching over 500 students.

The Program was designed to empower Year 11 students who exhibit exceptional leadership potential. The experience aimed to enhance students' leadership, critical, and creative thinking skills through a series of engaging workshops and activities.

The Program provided a platform for students to identify and harness their leadership strengths, equipping them with the tools to make a positive impact in their schools and communities. Students took part in a Communications Workshop led by communications expert Jo O’Reilly and then participated in networking opportunities with other dedicated Year 11 students and University Ambassadors.

Tim Lloyd, Principal


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