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Plumpton High School

Achieving Excellence in Teaching and Learning

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Congratulations Annacemone Nishad 1st Place - Plain English Speaking Award Competition

Plain English Speaking Award Competition

Congratulations to Annacemone Nashid of Year 10 who placed first in the Plain English Speaking Award. She delivered a prepared speech on the alarming rates of domestic violence in Australia which considered recent approaches to curb the disaster. Noor Emaan also represented Plumpton, her speech explored the nature of jealousy amongst teenagers, with a reflection on how teenagers could be more accepting of their own strengths and others. Both students then had 3 minutes to prepare a 3-minute speech in the impromptu round.

Plumpton hosted a local final in which competitors form private, selective and comprehensive schools participated.

The Plain English Speaking Award aims to encourage the use of clear and effective spoken English. The competition provides an invaluable opportunity for NSW senior students to improve their confidence and to develop their speech-writing and public speaking skills.

Congratulations to both Annacemone and Noor for representing PHS so well in the local final. A further congratulations for Annacemone who was selected to progress to the next round. She will now compete against all schools in Western Sydney at the Arts Unit in late May.

In addition, a huge thank you and congratulations to Ms Dixon for her work in ensuring our students were well prepared and the event was run in such a professional manner and to Ms Gonzaga for her support of this opportunity.

Tim Lloyd, Principal