Plumpton High School

Achieving Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Telephone02 9625 7020

Chinese Student Study Group Tour

Chinese students study tour

Plumpton High School welcomed a group of Chinese students from Beijing to our school this week as part of a study tour. The 22 students were from ages 12-17 and were buddied up with our students who study Chinese (Mandarin) language at Plumpton. They attended the classes and courses our students study at Plumpton enabling them to experience a very different schooling system with many courses that are not a part of the Chinese curriculum.

The Plumpton and Beijing students were able to spend significant time learning from each other and understanding the cultural differences and similarities. It was an excellent opportunity for our students to improve their Chinese language and the Chinese students improve their English. Students in China generally start school at 7:00am and finish their school study commitments at 10:00pm.

On Thursday the students went to Taronga Zoo with their Plumpton buddy to not only see the animals but also to participate in Aboriginal history of Australia and cultural customs.

A huge thank you to Ms Ramos who led the organisation and coordination of the study tour and to Ms Zhang our Chinese language teacher who assisted Ms Ramos and gave up an incredible amount of her time to support the tour group and deliver combined language lessons. Thank you also to all teachers who assisted the success of the program by welcoming the Chinese students into their classrooms during the week including Ms Kaur for preparing the Indian dancers, Lance for work with our Pasifika dancers and Mr Symes for the audio-visual parts of the final farewell assembly.

Tim Lloyd, Principal

For more photos of the study tour, please visit the image gallery.