Plumpton High School

Achieving Excellence in Teaching and Learning

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Congratulations Year 12 - 2024 Graduation Ceremony

Year 12 - 2024 Graduation Ceremony

Congratulations to our 2024 Year 12 Graduating class who have completed their 13 years of school and celebrated at their Graduation Ceremony.

Our community is dedicated to keeping pace with the evolving world outside school, ensuring that our students are equipped for a successful and prosperous future. We extend our gratitude to the collective effort of our educators, support staff, parents, and over 60 business partners, including ABCN and their member companies, The Duke of Edinburgh International Award Framework, Lend Lease, Citi Group, Waratah Education Foundation, Aurora Education Foundation and many more. Your support has been instrumental in the success of our Year 12 students and has made their graduation a reality – Thank you.

Today, we gather to honour and celebrate the 13-year journey of learning undertaken by our Year 12 students. As you venture into the world beyond school, embarking on a new and intricate path towards your dreams and aspirations, I wish to impart some reflections with you.

First and foremost, congratulations on reaching this milestone! While it may seem trivial compared to the vast opportunities awaiting you, it's worth acknowledging that you all look truly impressive!

Throughout the past 8 years for some of you and 6 for most, we have had the privilege of knowing you and collectively shaping our school into its current form. Together, we have achieved 8 Australian and 1 International Award since 2019. The collaboration in developing and implementing innovative structures has been a rewarding journey, setting a strong foundation for your future endeavours and leaving a lasting impact. Your dedication and hard work will pave the way for the students who follow, benefiting from the legacy you leave behind.

Our school now stands among the most successful in NSW, a testament to our combined efforts. From integrating the Duke of Edinburgh Framework into PDHPE, with your cohort being the first to achieve the Gold Level Award with 9 students, to initiatives like the Student Executive Council Leadership, Agency and Voice Framework supported by our business partners and Alumni, GAT programs, the House Model, Teaching and Learning frameworks, Corporate mentoring, Celebrating Success Merit system, Futures Centre and Career path planning framework, Aboriginal Pathways structure, and the Positive Psychology Program - the list of accomplishments is extensive and continues to grow.

Simon Sinek stated:

“The ability to inspire those around you and to achieve remarkable things starts with WHY”.

“Your WHY is your purpose, cause or belief”.

“Knowing our WHY is essential for lasting success”.

Why, in essence, refers to your purpose, cause, or belief. What drives you to rise from your bed each morning? And why should anyone take notice?

Your cohort's impact on our school and community has been profound because you grasped the significance of the "why." As you transition into the Plumpton Alumni community, you are already making a difference as optimistic global citizens, capable leaders who advocate for both yourselves and those who follow in your footsteps.

To all of you who hold optimism close to your hearts, keep that positive spirit alive. There will be moments ahead, both near and far, where the lessons learned in school will guide you through challenging times.

Your collective optimism has been a source of strength, aiding you in achieving success in the HSC. Be proud of the support and encouragement you have shown one another. Let this unity and positivity carry you through the remaining HSC examinations and into the future.

Up to this point, your cohort of 130 students has secured 110 early entry offers to universities before the completion of the main rounds, including 9 places at UTS through the UTS U@Uni program – a remarkable achievement.

With 29 outstanding Student Executive Council Senior Leaders, including 24 Prefects, led by the exemplary team of Anis who was also selected to sit on the Duke of Edinburgh National Youth Advisory Panel, Ayma, Therese who established our partnership with Blacktown Ponds Lions Club, Ugochi, and Ella, you have showcased the transformative power of leadership. Your commitment to improving the lives of others through compassion, empathy, courage, determination, and hard work has been truly inspiring. Supported by our SEC Coordinators Ms Racela, Ms Caramancion, and Mr. Chandra, you have led various projects and events, such as Plumpton’s inaugural Prefect Afternoon Tea for student leaders from across Sydney, and meaningful causes like Harmony Day, Teacher Appreciation Day, Eid celebrations, Iftar, Nursing Home visits, Clean-up Australia Day, and more.

Your cohort has excelled in representing the school at Zone, Regional, and State levels across diverse disciplines, with many of you achieving the Duke of Edinburgh International Award Scheme Bronze and Silver Awards. This collective success has facilitated enhanced support through your 7 Project Teams utilising the Gazelle Project management structure, including the development of junior leadership.

As you depart Plumpton High School, equipped with essential capabilities, remember to uphold your optimism and sense of purpose – the ‘WHY’. These capabilities, including leadership skills, problem-solving abilities, emotional intelligence, resilience, reflective practice, and a strong sense of self, will serve you well in navigating the complexities of the ever-evolving world, including the realm of Generative Artificial Intelligence, again another sphere that Plumpton leads NSW in Piloting the NSWEduChat app.

Harness your leadership potential to contribute meaningfully to local and global communities, leveraging technology, critical thinking, and empathy to drive positive change. Cultivate a love for learning, challenge the status quo, and approach life with balance, joy, and gratitude.

While adversity is inevitable, your ability to overcome challenges will define your success. Each obstacle conquered will fortify your resolve, confidence, and resilience for future endeavours. Embrace the opportunities that come your way, trusting in your capabilities to excel in whatever path you choose, just as you have thrived throughout your school journey.

I’d like to leave you with this quote from Golda Meir:

“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life (that WHY). Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” –

Thank you to our guest speaker Katherine Sahagun-Rojo 1995 Alumni and School Captain - Fraud Product Owner Commonwealth Bank Australia, Phil Gardner - CEO ABCN, Cathy McInerney - National Operations Manager the Duke of Edinburgh International Award, Greg Andrews - Aurora Education Foundation, Jason Miezis – Director Eastern Creek Network and other special guests for joining us to celebrate our Year 12 Graduation of 2024

I would like to make special mention of Ms Leihn your Deputy Principal, Mr Symes and Ms Musson your Positive Psychology teachers, Karlene our AEO, Tamika and Lance who have supported Year 12 and all of the fabulous teachers who have made their journey rich and rewarding. Thank you to Ms Langham, Mr Simonovski, Ms Portelli, Ms Racela, the Futures Centre and our Executive for organising and making this special occasion possible this evening.

Tim Lloyd, Principal

To see more of the graduation photos, please see our album.