18 Jul 2023

The Beacon Foundation committed significantly to supporting our students in Years 10 and 11 throughout Term 2. Plumpton was able to engage in 4 whole day programs providing corporate mentoring to 75 students from 20 mentors. This included 2 POLISH Programs for Year 10 and 2 PERFORM Programs for Year 11.
The POLISH Program is a powerful, practical program focused on confidence building. To build self-advocacy, young people learn how to identify and promote their skills to employers. Volunteer business mentors help young people understand how varied a career path can be, how valuable transferable skills are and what are common workplace expectations. Polish ends with a fun and encouraging “mock” interview session.
PERFORM is an intensive one-day program, focusing on supporting young people who are in the throes of making crucial decisions about their life after school. The program improves employment opportunities by helping students to understand recruitment trends and practices, build self-awareness for individual and team success and gain insights into common workplace expectations and behaviours.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Beacon Foundation and their corporate mentors for supporting our Plumpton High School students and contributing positively to Australia’s future workforce. Pru Hannon from Beacon did a phenomenal job in identifying, pitching to, preparing, briefing, supervising, co-ordinating, organising and supervising the 20 mentors who volunteered to participate in the schedule. Pru also identified a partner to fund the initiative. A huge thank you also to Beacon Facilitators Di Fraser and Michelle Tandy for their expert leadership throughout the programs. The Beacon Foundation Programs are of a high quality. The use of Mentors makes for a very positive experience for our students.
A huge thank you to the corporate mentors and their organisations for enabling these programs to take place ensuring a direct link to the world beyond school and the building essential skills our students require to succeed in that world. Please see our highly valued corporate mentors and their organisations below
Tim Lloyd, Principal