Plumpton High School

Achieving Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Telephone02 9625 7020

New House Coat of Arms Launched 23rd September 2019

New house coat of arms


Over the last 6 months, following the redesign of the House System in 2018-2019 a group of students in Years 9 and 10 (Maxene, Paula, Shaibah and Caitlyn) and Ms Marashian (Alumni 1996) an art teacher have conducted a consultation process with the Heads of House, House Captains and students to design a new Coat of Arms for each House (Dangar, Halkirk, Karinga and Woodstock).

The Project facilitated by Ms Marashian enabled the students to design, develop and create the coat of arms using industry standard design technology for each House demonstrating their high level graphic design, consultation and project management skills. Congratulations to the team upon this outstanding work.

The new House system links to the overall Wellbeing Framework that includes the Celebrating Success Merit System that was developed over 2017-2018 and launched in 2018, Positive Psychology program and Students Leadership capacity building model.

Tim Lloyd, Principal